We are at Erica's parents camp site on Bow Lake. There is a very small beach that is open for all to use and they have this great little island that you can walk out to. The water is very shallow and only goes up to Andy's waist. He spent most of the time walking back and forth from the beach to the island and then jumping off the rocks. The water was SO COLD but it is true that kids don't really care about that they just want to be in the water.
Erica's parents; Elaine and Dick have a camper that is parked on a lot that has a paved driveway, electricity and big lawn it looks great. When you sit on the patio that Dick built you can see the beautiful lake and a gigantic weekend summer house that is right on the water just accross the road from the camp site. There is plenty of space on the lot for a tent, so that's where we are hoping to spend some of the summer.
Legs are out to try to get some sun on...so pasty. To the island and back, great job Erica!! Always eager to helped Andy jumped up to help carry the kayak for Erica, turned out to be heavier then he thought it would be.